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Guidelines for Application from Overseas for HKSAR and Macao SAR Passports and Travel Documents
Time:2022-06-09 15:14:20
July 1, 2004
In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) can exercise exit-and-entry control on entry into, stay in and exit from HKSAR/Macao SAR of people from different foreign states and regions all over the world. Chinese residents in HKSAR and Macao SAR traveling overseas shall apply, respectively, for passport of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and passport for the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China or/and other travel documents in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Chinese citizens in HKSAR and Macao SAR returning to the mainland should apply for Home-Visiting Certificate for Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao or travel documents of the People’s Republic of China.
I. HKSAR Passport Application
1. Who can apply for HKSAR passport and travel documents?
Article 154 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China provides that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) issues HKSAR passport to all Chinese citizens with permanent residence status in the Region, and HKSAR travel documents to all other legitimate residents in the Region.
2. How can Hong Kong Chinese citizens overseas apply for HKSAR passport?
An overseas applicant can apply for HKSAR passport to the Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts overseas or directly to the HKSAR Immigration Office. Applications can either be filed in person or by mail, but the applicant must go in person at least once, either when filing the application or when collecting the passport, to the Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts or the HKSAR Immigration Office with the original copies of all application documents as required for verification.
3. What are the procedures for applying for HKSAR passport to Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts?
1) Fill in the application forms of HKSAR passport. An applicant should read carefully the Guidelines on Applying for HKSAR Passport (Overseas) and the Application Forms (available at Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts upon request) and fill in the application forms. Applicants over the age of 16 use Form ID843 and those under the age of 16 use Form ID844.
2) Submit photographs. An applicant should submit 3 recently-taken color photographs, full-faced, bareheaded without any headwear (size: between 50 mm X 40 mm and 55 mm X 45 mm). Photographs on a white, yellow or black background are not acceptable. The preferred background color is blue or red. Photographs on a medium blue, red, purple, green or pink are also acceptable. The photographs must be clean and neat without white or black spots or any trace of folding and with nothing written on the back.
3) Fill in the Fee Payment Forms (Form ID 853) and pay to the Immigration Office the passport fee and postage for mailing the passport, and to the Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts the fees for the processing, postage for mailing the application documents and passport (refer to the forms attached).
4. What documents should be provided to Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts in applying for HKSAR passport?
1) A photocopy of the Hong Kong permanent residence card should be provided. In case he/she has residence status in Hong Kong but does not have the HK permanent residence card, the applicant should, in applying for HKSAR passport, apply for the Hong Kong permanent residence card at the same time (Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts do not process applications for permanent residence card in any other case). The applicant should read carefully Guidelines for Overseas Application for Hong Kong Permanent Residence Card for Persons Aged 18 or above and Guidelines for Overseas Application for Hong Kong Permanent Residence Card for Persons under 18 (available at Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts), fill in Form ROP143A or Form ROP144A according to the guidelines, submit photographs and the original non-Hong Kong permanent residence card and other supporting documents.
2) Applicant aged 16 and above or under 18 may, upon the approval of his/her parent or legal guardian, apply for HKSAR passport as an independent applicant. The identity card of the parent or legal guardian who consents to the application and the photocopy of the documents proving the relationship with the applicant should also be submitted. In case the consent is from the father, the applicant should submit a photocopy of the parent’s marriage certificate or a court decree proving that the father is the legal guardian.
3) Application for HKSAR passport of a child under the age of 16 should be filed by his/her parent or legal guardian. The photocopy of the identity card or travel documents of the child’s parent or legal guardian and the photocopy of the relevant documents proving the relationship with the child should be submitted. In case the consent is from the father, the applicant should submit a photocopy of the parent’s marriage certificate or a court decree proving that the father is the legal guardian.
4) In applying for HKSAR passport for a child under the age of 11, apart from all the above-mentioned documents required for a child under the age of 16, the applicant should submit the photocopy of the school document bearing the child’s name, date of birth and a photograph affixed or a completed Form for Countersignature for verifying the child’s identity.
5) For the applicant who has never held Hong Kong identity card (including Hong Kong permanent residence card and non-Hong Kong permanent residence card), the photocopy of document bearing a photograph should be submitted for the verification of the applicant’s identity.
6) In case the applicant was born outside the Chinese territory (including the HKSAR), the applicant, his/her parent or legal guardian should also fill in the form of Supplementary Information for HKSAR Passport Application to the Immigration Office of HKSAR (available at Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts upon request) and submit as required relevant supporting documents for HKSAR Immigration Office for the verification of his/her Chinese Hong Kong citizenship.
7) The photocopies of the above-mentioned documents should be legible and in size A4. The photocopies will be returned.
5. How to collect the passport?
The verification of the eligibility for passport application of the applicant will be done by the HKSAR Immigration Office and will generally take 2 months. Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts, upon receiving the passport from the HKSAR Immigration Office, will tell the applicant to collect in person or send the HKSAR passport by mail to the address provided by the applicant.
6. What will be done about the original travel documents after the collection of HKSAR passport?
An applicant holding CI shall submit his/her CI to Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts for cancellation and the cancelled CI will be returned to the applicant. An applicant holding BN(O) does not need to hand it in or to have it canceled.
7. How to appeal if the application is turned down?
According to the relevant regulations on HKSAR passport, an applicant, if he/she feels dissatisfied with the decision made by the HKSAR Immigration Office, may lodge a claim to the Immigration Office for reconsideration of his/her application or appeal to HKSAR Passport Appeal Committee. The appellant should submit the letter of appeal to the secretary of the committee within 90 days (the chairman of the committee may extend the time limit in light of the actual situation). The letter of appeal should include the reasons for the appeal and supporting evidence. Ruling by the committee will be final.
II. Application for Other HKSAR Travel Documents and Documents for Emergency Purposes
Applicants for other travel documents may obtain relevant application forms from Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts, fill in the forms as required, submit relevant documents, and pay the relevant fees (refer to the form attached). In collecting the new DI or Hong Kong seaman’s identity card, the applicant should submit the original card to Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts for cancellation and the canceled identity card will be returned to the applicant.
In emergent cases when a person lost or damaged his/her HKSAR passport or other travel documents, the said person may apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts for documents for emergency purposes—Declaration of Identity for Entry Purpose—so as to return to Hong Kong in time. Refer to the forms attached for details of payment.
III. Application for Macao SAR Passport and Travel Documents
Macao SAR passport and travel documents (hereinafter referred to as travel documents) are different from HKSAR passport in that a series of measures are taken such as fingerprint identification. As a result, until now no Chinese diplomatic mission or consular post can handle the application for Macao SAR travel documents.
An overseas applicant can obtain the Macao SAR Travel Document Application Form and Guidelines for Overseas Application by Mail from the Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts or directly from the Macao SAR Immigration Office.
An applicant, after filling in the form and getting all the relevant documents ready, shall send them directly by mail to Director of Identification Department of Macao SAR, Largo Do Senado, No. 20, Macao (via Hong Kong).
Tel: (0853) 356615; Fax: (0853) 374300
Macao residents who have no identity cards or whose identity cards have expired and need to return to Macao for application of identity cards may turn to the Chinese diplomatic missions or consular posts for help.
Macao residents may contact Director of Identification Department of Macao SAR in case any emergency happens outside of the office hours (9:00 am to 5:45 pm). His mobile phone number is (0853) 573333.

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